Palladium Industries (parent of VisionAid brand), headquartered in Wareham, Massachusetts, was a niche manufacturer of protective eye safety products primarily sold into manufacturing facilities.
Adam and Jeff became actively involved with Palladium in 2010 and recognized an opportunity to partner and salvage value within a struggling family investment made decades earlier. Strategic initiatives taken during Adam’s and Jeff’s active Board of Director involvement included (a) converting debt to equity to gain voting control, (b) overhauling corporate governance by reconstituting the Board of Directors, (c) reinvigorating leadership by recruiting and hiring a new President, (d) renewing management incentives through aligned profit sharing plan and (e) strengthened cash flows by focusing on patented, high margin product, improved customer service & enhanced financial controls. These strategic initiatives led to a profitable exit for investors through a sale of the business to a strategic acquirer identified through a robust auction process.
“Having principals such as Adam and Jeff was immensely helpful. They were able to analyze options and be decisive, allowing the management team to get on with implementation of the changes to redirect company operations. They were committed to making the company a success and kept the resources available to management to allow the rebuilding of the brand and the company.”
Dan McCarthy, President of Palladium